Homespun Haints: True Ghost Stories

12 Little Ghosts In 2 Straight Lines: A true ghost story interview with Eddy Specter, Galveston Ghost Tour Guide

Becky Kilimnik and Diana Doty Season 7 Episode 3

Eddy Specter isn’t afraid of anything, which is a good thing as he runs the ghost tours and serves as a paranormal consultant for Galveston, Texas. His only stipulation? The ghosts aren’t allowed to follow him home.

Because one day, they did.

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Today, we interview Eddy Specter, a paranormal consultant and ghost tour operator who has dedicated his life to helping the ghosts that haunt the island of Galveston. We met Eddy through our previous guest, Jennifer. Follow Eddy Specter on social media at

Learn about his services for haunted locations in and around Galveston, or book a tour with him at his website,

Tired of websites that have been Frankensteined together using subpar body parts? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot, and let's make some digital spookiness together!

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Speaker 1:

Eddie Spector isn't afraid of anything, which is a good thing, as he runs the ghost tours and serves as a paranormal consultant for Galveston, texas. His only stipulation the ghosts aren't allowed to follow him home, because one day they did Hear Eddie's stories about one of the most haunted cities in the world today on Homespun Haints. Hello, hated loves, Welcome to Homun Haints. I'm Becky.

Speaker 2:

I'm Diana.

Speaker 1:

And today on the show we have a wonderful guest that we were introduced to by Jennifer, who was also a guest on our show last season, the one whose dead grandparents taught her how to cuss as ghosts in French. Yeah, that, jennifer.

Speaker 2:

so this was somebody that she recommended to us we asked her if she had any projects she was working on or any books she wanted to promote, and she said Eddie Spector.

Speaker 1:

I want to promote him, so we got Eddie on the show today. He runs ghost tours and ghost investigations out of Galveston, texas, which apparently is incredibly haunted. It's like New Orleans, key West level. Speaking of our Patreon, which Jennifer is part of.

Speaker 2:

We do have a new patron.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yes, rose. Thank you so much. Rose sent us such a sweet note. Appreciate that so much, rose. We're so thrilled that you're here. Unlike Rose, though, somebody else left a comment recently that they wished that our episodes were scarier, scarier, so I thought I would share something scary that actually happened. It was really late at night. You might know that we have a dog who's like incredibly floofy.

Speaker 2:

He is. Yes, that's the one adjective I would use for him. It's so much floof.

Speaker 1:

That was the only way I could get talked into having a dog. I am a cat person through and through but it was like.

Speaker 2:

Well, what if we?

Speaker 1:

got something that was basically a rug potato, rug potato, so I'd taken him out at night and I am a night owl. I was up probably till like. I don't know how late it was it was at least 2am maybe three. And my husband does this thing where he's like I'm going to bed, take the dog out before you go to bed, and it'll be like 830 at night because he just does. He's just done dealing with the dog, so that's his way of like getting out of it and I have to.

Speaker 1:

You know it's my turn, so I stay up late, so it's probably about two or three in the morning. I go out into the backyard with my dog to try and nudge him to use the bathroom. We just put a fence in the backyard. Oh good, yeah, I'm glad to hear that. So anyway, he's out there and he's about to go. You know he's about to go. Like a little trickle starts coming out, you know, just a little yellow stream.

Speaker 1:

And then suddenly there's what sounds like three giant knocks, boom, boom, boom, and we both like he's like and like he stops midstream, he just like clenches up, no more is coming out. I know that's going to be an accident later that evening.

Speaker 2:

Fight or flight, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So he just clenches up and he starts barking and we both looked at where it came from. It came from the steps leading from the driveway up into the backyard.

Speaker 3:

We have steps.

Speaker 1:

But it wasn't like. It was like a giant was walking up those steps, Boom, boom, boom, and we both stared at it and he starts barking and I start yelling like who's there, who's there? And we both knew something was on the other side of that gate.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Those were not human noises and you know how you can tell. Like we've talked about this before, you can kind of hear the presence of somebody, like the way the air moves around them. Whatever this was was giant and those pops they did not sound like. It was not gunshots, it was not fireworks, it was not a car backfiring.

Speaker 2:

Extremely ambitious acorns falling on people.

Speaker 1:

And it was very even, it was three boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, like that did you open the gate?

Speaker 2:

hell, no, are you kidding me? Did you peer through the gate, through the slats.

Speaker 1:

I couldn't see anything.

Speaker 2:

It was complete pitch darkness which, come to think of it, was weird because we had lights on pointing to it it was just like an abyss of blackness oh, so maybe something was clouding the light coming through blocking it? Oh gosh, yeah, because we have lights all around our house so being able to see a disembodied darkness, but not necessarily a shadow.

Speaker 1:

It wasn't a shadow person I don't know, but I was thinking about it because another guest and patron that we have on the show, cynthia, was talking about how she saw something similar yes we need to get her back on the show too. So she, yes. I would love to know what you all think, what yeah that, what was that I?

Speaker 1:

heard because something was there and was freaking terrified, and so was the dog, holy crap. He stood there and we both were there until we were both sure that whatever it was was gone. And like the minute I was like oh it's gone, he was like oh it's gone and he turned around and ran back inside Still holding his pee. So that was fun to clean up the next morning. Yeah, it was terrifying.

Speaker 2:

I don't get scared you probably know, I don't get scared right, she tells ghosts to leave her alone and so she can go back to sleep, when right, haunting her at night in her bed does not get scared easily, damn becky. When was this? What time?

Speaker 2:

oh, it's about a week ago a week ago okay, I was gonna say last night I was just relaxing in my living room, probably watching a horror movie, and I was suddenly startled by a huge, loud bang that sounded like an explosion. That happened like maybe right across the street from her house what? And I looked out the window. I couldn't see anything. I didn't want to open the door, just in case it's like marauders or something. I don't know what it could be. This is oklahoma. I don't I don't open the door when there's bangs, um, but so I'm peering out the window and all of a sudden I see a bunch of like blue and red flashers coming down the street with the sirens on. I was like is it? Is it ambulances? Is it cops? Who is it? Ah, who is it? I never did manage to see the vehicle that that showed up, but they turned into our neighborhood and went about a block do you think it could have been a gas explosion?

Speaker 2:

yes, that's exactly what I was thinking, but I never saw any smoke or flames. I swear this. This, this noise couldn't have been more than a block or two for me all right, so it was a alien landing or something exploding that wasn't a house. Like a ghost. Like a ghost exploding in the night, as they say in all the classic stories of ghosts exploding in the night.

Speaker 1:

This is why we don't bother to tell legends from Oklahoma guys. There was ectoplasm everywhere. It got into all the creases and cracks, the unmentionable parts of my body. I was like just scraping it out. It was so gross, that stuff gets everywhere.

Speaker 2:

It's like sand Gums up your chickens.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, guys, we want to know what were these bangs.

Speaker 2:

So what do you think these bangs were? Becky, your best replication was kind of like a pounding noise.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah, it didn't sound like a gun. It's because I'm in Georgia. I hear a lot of that too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know exactly what that sounds like.

Speaker 1:

It sounded like something banging on wood, but this was wood the size of a house, like a giant coming up a giant set of stairs. It was unlike anything I've ever heard before, that's disturbing.

Speaker 2:

Did you feel vibrations when you heard it? No, let us know what you think.

Speaker 1:

Hated loves please tell us and, like rose, you can join our patreon if you are uh so inclined to hear this episode without commercials and get some bonus content and other bang free details yes, that's right.

Speaker 2:

If you have $3, you too can be a member of our Patreon and enjoy all our episodes ad-free. And if you're not, this commercial is for you, oh man, I had a rough day.

Speaker 1:

What happened, honey? I was out with the guys and they well, and, and they said I wasn't spooky enough. Oh honey, how could they say that to you? You're hella spooky. You think so, Of course. After all, you came up with the ectoplasm being ghost jizz theory and you've been scratched by more horny ghosts than anyone else.

Speaker 2:

I know Well, I suppose you're right.

Speaker 1:

But if you're really worried about it, I have just the thing. Oh wow, A spooky AF t-shirt. That's right. Our Spooky AF line comes in shirt, sweatshirt, pillow and even a high-quality mug man. Those are super awesome, especially for something with profanity on it. What's even better, All these items were hand-lettered exclusively from Homespun Hates by world-renowned calligrapher Nikki Malick. Holy ghostly cannoli. That's amazing. From now on, whenever you brandish your spooky AF gear, no one will accuse you of being boring. Yeah, I'm spooky AF. Visit HomespunHatescom for all spooky AF merchandise. Today on the show, we are thrilled to bring on Eddie Spector. We met him through another guest that we heard from last year, Jennifer, and he is somebody who is truly embedded in the paranormal world. He is the owner and operator of Ghost Tours of Galveston County. He also is a paranormal investigator, as you can imagine, and of course, he's got a ton of stories. Eddie, thank you so much for being on the show with us today. Welcome.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much. I heard some great things and it was funny how I heard about you. I was looking myself up, as one does on Google, and I said what was this? Somebody mentioned me on this podcast and I listened to the podcast. I said, oh well, that's very nice of them to mention me. And so I became a fan, naturally.

Speaker 2:

We asked Jennifer if she had any businesses or books that she wanted to promote while she was on our platform. She said yes, eddie Spector's Ghost Doors in Galveston County.

Speaker 3:

We said okay, made me smile, trust me.

Speaker 1:

Well, us too, so we're excited to hear from you today. So Galveston County, I'm assuming, is the county that holds Galveston, texas. Yes, how haunted is that area.

Speaker 3:

Galveston is considered one of the most haunted cities in America, if not the world. It is a vortex of energy and major events. I believe it's in line with the ley lines that are across the earth. It has seen its share of death, lots of death, and that island was called Snake Island when it was first there and it was inhabited by the Curranquas, native Americans, and they were considered cannibals. But they were very interesting cannibals. They never ate of their own. They were very specific, they were nice about that. But the Curranquas were there. We had many pirates. The famous pirate Jean Lafitte was there. We had civil wars and diseases, and you got to understand. Galveston was a major vessel for immigrants as well, kind of like its own Ellis Island.

Speaker 3:

Lots of people from all over the world um ended up in galveston and brought with them lots of diseases yellow fever, tuberculosis, you name it. We had it. Um, we had a lot of mysterious fires that would pop up out of nowhere. Um, and we also had the great storm of 1900, one of the biggest natural disasters ever to hit amer. Well, you had over 8,000 people perish on the island and in the surrounding areas. Well, they didn't know what to do with them. You know they couldn't bury them. And so the authorities went around with rifles and whiskey and got volunteers and said here's your whiskey. We need your help to gather these bodies. If you can't handle it, sorry, we're going to turn you around, shoot you in the back, put you in the carriage. We don't have time for this, we've got to do this. And so they got volunteers real quick and they gathered all these thousands of bodies and put them on barges and sent them out to sea. Three days later they came back thousands of bodies on our beaches.

Speaker 3:

oh, they just washed up. Yes, now what do you do with these people? Well, they decided to burn them. Well, you can't burn them right away, they're waterlogged. So they took them and they went downtown to the Strand and said, oh, is this a cold storage building? Perfect, it's a makeshift morgue. Now we we're going to squish the bodies and lay sulfur on top of them to get the water out, and all that, and then burn them. And so they had piles of bodies all over the island burning all over the place. And then afterwards they decided to raise the island. That storm brought in a 17-foot storm surge, and so they built a 17-foot wall along the beach and then razed the island, raising over 2,100 buildings and then filling the bottom with sand. Oh, wow, when I say that, remember there were bodies everywhere, so they just buried them and just laid streets down and all that stuff. So we have a very prominent cemetery on 43rd and Broadway, which is the oldest cemetery there, but the entire island is a cemetery.

Speaker 3:

You're walking on the Strand during Mardi Gras partying. You're walking on people, and so I make it a point when I tell these stories to respect these people that you're walking on. And ever since then the island has just been filled with energy. When you go over the causeway you could just feel it like a blanket on you. You just go, oh boy. But I do have to say 95% of those people and they are people. People need to remember that these ghosts are just people and treat them as such, with respect. 95% of them are good people and the other five well, they cause a lot of trouble.

Speaker 1:

What kind of trouble?

Speaker 3:

Oh well, messing with people closing down businesses quite a bit because they can't keep the electric going.

Speaker 2:

That's not fair.

Speaker 3:

There was a 1980s disco bar or something like that and they had to close down because they couldn't run the DJ booth. The ghosts would just mess with it. I mean, they would have new equipment with cables and everything Doesn't matter, You're closed down. We don't like that.

Speaker 2:

Huh, whoa, yeah, whoa. So when you open a business on Galveston, make sure to make some sort of an offering to whoever's in the land. Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

With your business? Absolutely, that's good advice. You give tours, you do investigations. What are some of your own personal experiences that you would like to share with us?

Speaker 3:

I was born around here in Webster and my mom was the spiritual side of the family and my father was the more disciplined scientific side. He did two tours in Vietnam and had security at NASA. And my mom, whenever we lived in a new house, if it was haunted she would just casually tell us kids so-and-so, hung himself on the stairs and I saw his spirit the other day in the kitchen. But don't worry, he's not going to bother you, just nonchalant that experience going through all the haunted homes that my mom would tell me about. And then during the tours I always have ghosts following me around.

Speaker 3:

I've had multiple psychics say these ghosts just follow you. I don't know what's going on and I suspect it's because I tell their stories and they're grateful and things like that. A lot of intuition comes about when I do these tours and I have to open it and close it. When I'm in Galveston and I prepare myself, I say okay, you have this allotted time to speak with me, take over whatever you got to do, show me what direction you need me to go. But then I got to shut it off. I have to say okay, that's it, otherwise I'm very drained, I can't bring that home or anything like that. Wife doesn't like ghosts at home.

Speaker 1:

So have you ever accidentally brought something home?

Speaker 3:

Oh gosh, yes, this was before I told them no, and my first wife at the time. I live on a boat. As you can see, this is a boat back here.

Speaker 1:

That is the coolest.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's the best thing you know anyway. Um, I guess this was about 16 years ago. I was on the boat with my wife. She was crocheting a blanket or something like that, and she put the the roll of yarn, uh on the counter. And at this time I had like a mini studio, I had an amp and guitars and electric drums, and we went to bed and she got up, went to work. I got up and I went in there and that ball of yarn was strung across the room through the mini blinds and then crossed the room underneath my amplifier, what, as if you'd have to pick it up and lay the yarn there and then back across the room lying on my guitar. Whoa. And I said, dang, okay, you want some attention, all right. And so when my wife came home, I said look at this. And she said why did you do that? I said no, I didn't do that, but you know what could have done this?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

And she says whatever you brought home, get rid of it. Immediately I said, all right, you know, if I was single I would have been having fun, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's do this.

Speaker 3:

Let's document this and figure this out. But I said anyone here we got to keep it in Galveston, kind of like, whatever happens in Galveston stays in Galveston. That's pretty much what I had to do. But yeah, keep it on the shore. Yeah, I have to. What I had to do, but yeah, keep it on the shore. Yeah, I have to. Even my current wife now, christina, she's really cool with that stuff, but not at home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, fair that's fair.

Speaker 3:

Of course I want my stuff to work. I want the TV not to go off when we're watching. No, I do have this one psychic in-house psychic Sari. She says there is this one psychic in-house psychic Sari. She says there is this one spirit that hasn't been on the boat but he stays on the dock and just watches every once in a while. That's not creepy at all. I've seen his. It's kind of like the fumes from gasoline or something like that.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, the shimmer in the air that's what I see, oh cool it's okay.

Speaker 3:

It's okay. It's like he's. It's like he's been here for a while in the marina and he's making sure I'm okay, or if I'm doing okay around the marina, like he wants to make sure the marina is okay or something.

Speaker 2:

I'm not sure maybe a guard or something previous guard yeah interesting though.

Speaker 1:

So many cultures believe that ghosts can't cross water, and yet these ghosts are crossing water and getting onto your boat, okay, well, that doesn't work. So much for that theory what are they going to cross next? Salt?

Speaker 2:

brick dust. Maybe they can cross water when they're riding on somebody's back.

Speaker 3:

I don't know well, you know people. People say that, oh you know, so the ghost haunts the entire block. I said yes, you have to realize that spirits can move anywhere at any time. For example, you know, when you purchase an item at a thrift store or something, that spirit is attached to it and then it will take it home and then you'll have the spirit there.

Speaker 2:

So spirits are able to go anywhere Can you think of like a reason why spirits would attach to an object or a person instead of a location, and vice versa. I mean, why would they haunt a specific location if they're able to go wherever they want?

Speaker 3:

scrambled, um, like when you go through something horrific like death, and you become a spirit. I don't think you retain it depends. Retain the ability to think correctly. You may, your brain may be swiss cheesed or something, and, um, you may feel lost. And if you see something that reminds you of something that you could hold on to be it, you know a certain picture frame. You're like oh, I know that, at least I know that I'll hold on to that. You know, to feel safe in the confusion of death. That's my theory.

Speaker 1:

That makes a lot of sense. The same with a building right. If you recognize it, you are, I guess, essentially a scholar of Galveston. You must know every bit of dark history there is to know about the place. You already told us how the entire thing is one giant floating cemetery.

Speaker 2:

It's the second story above the first story.

Speaker 1:

What are some other dark tales of Galveston that you find particularly interesting? Galveston that you find particularly interesting.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, I will tell you this one story and it leads to what you're asking. I had this girlfriend at the time. She had this premonition of a building that didn't exist and she saw it. She saw the windows and everything and she knew it was at this certain location. And we went to the location and she said it was right here, but it doesn't exist. It was like a little parking lot or something next to the other building.

Speaker 3:

I said, okay, well, let's just investigate. We're right next door to a gift shop that have books and everything. Let's, uh, let's just look. And I'm running through the books we found somebody took a picture of that block and showed an existing building that extended to that building and the windows looked exactly how she envisioned. And I said, okay, so the building did exist. All right, this is brilliant, we're on the right track. And so we go to the Rosenberg Library, the oldest library in Texas, and we go to the top floor where they have all the archives and I look through the. Well, actually, I spoke to the woman up there. I said I have a proposition for you. We're investigating to find out who owned a certain building within 100 years. Can you help me?

Speaker 3:

She goes gosh, okay, what block. And we showed her the block and where it was. Fifteen minutes later she comes back with blueprints and the deed and all this stuff. I'm like like, oh my gosh, and so we find out who was who the owner was, and um, oh, and by the way, this another part of this premonition she had was she saw an old crooked man, I don't know like just spine crooked or something.

Speaker 3:

Well, doing research on the gentleman who owned the place, he was an old man with a cane and he was involved with what we would say child trafficking or something like that gotcha it was like a lot of bad stuff and uh, that led to for the research about the place and we heard that a lot of children went missing around that area and that was just devastating. It really kills me, you know. But I've also heard that there's quite a few kids that follow me around, which is fine. A couple of psychics say it's a little girl and I'm like, oh, that's cool. So whenever I'm doing a tour and I start to walk, I kind of just speak to them and just say, how are you doing? You doing, okay, all this stuff?

Speaker 3:

Another interesting story about children During the great storm of 1900, there was an orphanage and there were about 40 kids and the nuns didn't know what to do and they panicked and what they did was they divided the kids up and they tied rope to themselves and to all the children, like 10 kids or whatever. Well, the idea was not to lose them but, on the downside, if one goes, they all go.

Speaker 3:

They're all tied together, and so after the storm, they found a body and then, pulled up the rope, found another body, pulled up the rope, found another body oh my gosh and there's a Walmart on the seawall there which is where the orphanage was, and that place constantly is bombarded by hauntings of these children because in the toy section they would have all the toys on the shelves but the next day they would have toys all over the floor as if children are playing with them. They would have toys all over the floor as if children are playing with them and I really wish they would be cool about showing those security tapes, but it's Walmart and they don't want anything to do with any of that.

Speaker 2:

Our corporate trumps your ghost interests.

Speaker 1:

Going back to the premonition that your girlfriend had of the building, did you ever figure out why it was that she had that vision? Was it just so that you could discover this information about these children? Was it so that you know you could tell their story? What do you think it was?

Speaker 3:

That's a great question, you know. I mean premonitions come to us in the strangest ways. They just pop in there and you can't explain it. And every single person I've talked to I mean just recently I interviewed a gentleman I'll tell you about this guy, he's pretty interesting Asking him how did you get this premonition? What was going through your mind? What time of day was it? What did you eat? You know what color shirt were you wearing? You know I'm very intense with the details when it comes with it, but these things just pop in there. And I suspect that because we ask for these things like Lord, help me understand who I should help, or anything like that, and then you get a premonition, you do the research and it shows that here I'll give you a little step, but you've got to do all the work and then, once you do all that work, it pays off, and so I guess the reasoning is a nice little cycle you ask for it and it just shows up, and then you work for it and then there it goes.

Speaker 2:

And you are thankful for it. Yeah. Was her premonition kind of like in a dream, or was she walking down the street and saw something that wasn't there?

Speaker 3:

She said she was dreaming of it.

Speaker 1:

Did this sort of thing happen to her a lot. Every once in a while, not not so very much but it wasn't completely out of the blue, so no, she was open to it when she told me it was like oh interesting, I'm like all right, let's get to work.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't like oh my god, you know right.

Speaker 2:

So you had a concept of why it happened and what you were supposed to do after that. That's awesome I think, that's really great. Just having that you know that preparation for asking God who should I be helping, or you know what would, where would my talents be the most useful, and then just being open to listening for signs and then immediately taking action on it, I think that's just a great way to live.

Speaker 3:

I get phone calls for the ghost tours, but I also get phone calls for paranormal consulting. The other day I get a phone call and it's a gentleman over at a bed and breakfast in Galveston and he says hey Eddie, there's a gentleman here and he wants me to tell him where the ghosts are here. And he wants me to tell him where the ghosts are. And I'm a little confused and I can't really help him but I knew you were the person to call there you go, thank you, go ahead and give him my number and, uh, we'll go from there.

Speaker 3:

Well, he calls me up and, um, he's a japanese fellow, his name is Max and I interviewed him yesterday because he was given a message to either keep doing your regular job or to work for God, and that message was so prominent he was like well, I guess I'll work for God that message was so prominent.

Speaker 3:

He was like well, I guess I'll work for God, you know. And so what he does is he goes to all these haunted places and his goal right now is to release spirits who are stuck here through prayer. You may find it unorthodox, but he has reasonings behind it. He shouts this stuff. I mean he goes to a spot and he just yells and does all this energy waving and all this stuff and he's just oh really passionate about it and it drains him. So I mean I find it very fascinating. He does not do anything, but that. He does not do anything, but that he just drives to different locations and hopefully the Lord will provide some funds. And just after he left my boat for the interview, he texted me and showed a picture of this really nice Mexican dinner. He said look what I just got for free. I said oh man that's good on you.

Speaker 2:

So he just travels and says, where are the ghosts?

Speaker 3:

everywhere he shows up. Yeah, he was super busy in Galveston. He had to go twice because I told him the entire place, you'd have to go to every corner. He was there all day yesterday.

Speaker 1:

So people will be able to find out about everything you're doing on your website at eddyspectorcom, correct?

Speaker 3:

That's correct. Yes, it will lead you to all my social medias, which I update quite a bit.

Speaker 1:

You are a fascinating person, eddie, from everything, from the fact that you live on a boat and you know all these things about the history and the ghosts and experience so much yourself. It's been such a delight to talk to you.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Thank you for coming on the show.

Speaker 3:

Of course, and any time. Thank you too. It was a pleasure. You guys are lovely.

Speaker 2:

We love talking to you too. We'll definitely have you back on. We'll follow up with Max too, just so we can get his story as well. Thanks for the referral. Painted Loves, what do you think? Would you drive over the ground choked with bodies in Galveston? If so, you're bound to have a spooky day.

Speaker 1:

Homespun Haints is hosted by Becky Kielimnik and Diana Doty and produced by Homespun Haints Media LLC. Editing and music by Becky K Kilimnik. Show notes by Diana Doty. If you have a ghost story and you'd like to be considered as a guest for this podcast, please visit our website at homespunhatescom. Slash submit.